Anime is the genre of hand-drawn and computer-animated cartoons and comic books, which originated in Japan. The first mention of anime was in 1917 but it became broadly popular in the 1960s in this country. With the advent of broadly widespread television and especially personal devices (laptops, PCs, and mobile phones), which were coupled with the broadband Internet, anime has captivated the minds of tens of millions of people outside Japan. The genre has become specifically popular in China, the USA, and Europe. Funny enough but the term ‘Anime’ derives from the American word ‘animation’, which the Japanese artists took and adapted. Yet, today, anime is perceived as something purely Japanese, including all its subgenres, like manga.
Anime also has a broad industry of anime online games featuring original characters and those, which were redrawn in the anime style to cater to the admirers of this segment of entertainment globally. The same goes not only for anime free games but also for cartoons, comic books, visual novels, TV shows, and even films.
The biggest feature of anime characters is that they (mostly, all) have large and very emotional eyes, which reflect their emotions more than other their facial and bodily elements, although a mouth also largely adds to the emotional expressions. Another feature of anime is that mouth might not always show teeth and tongue within, being simply an opening on the face, which can super widely open to show the character’s scream, joy, fear, or anger, amidst other emotions.
We have collected well over 150 games in the anime genre in this catalog of anime games to play online so you can enjoy them for long hours, days, and weeks. So, start having huge fun right now! And don’t forget to visit the page more often to see how it is replenished with new pieces of entertainment.