Free Games Online - Action Games - Fidget Spinner Game
Game Information:

If you didn't have a roulette wheel when it was popular (or ever), this free online game will give you the right amount of fun. Simply slide the screen to make your toy spin and the internal reward in the form of coins will be awarded to you when the spinning power ends. You have a few initial turns to make it spin fast and the game shows exactly what the current rotation speed is and how many full 360° turns the spinner has made since you turned it. As a result, new coins are added to your account in exactly the same number of full spins that were made. It is a game with cheating, which consists of the strategy of turning. When you do all the allowed spins at once, you barely see 40 full spins. But when you do them gradually, you can see more than 100.
Game's category: Action Games
Game Tags:

Cool game
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