![Superhero Games](/files/pictures/spiderman_jigsaw_puzzle_collection.webp)
What are Superhero games?
One of the most popular and cherished genres of online free games is one about superheroes. For instance, in the USA alone, there were more than 100 superheroes created in comic books, films (some superheroes movies aren’t based on comics, did you know that?), and novels of different volumes. What do we love about them? Superheroes themselves are very rare people (or creatures) with an outstanding personality and character traits, always with the mighty and muscled body, and they always laconic, even terse in their speech (but somehow not when it comes to killing a biggest bad guy).
Have you ever noticed that superheroes are always good ones? If there is a bad guy making something huge (or hugely devastating), he is never called ‘super’. He is always called ‘anti’. Anti-hero. A little bit humiliating and discriminating, don’t you think? However, bad guys are almost always revealed better in films and comic books – their triggers of actions are more commonly understood than just ‘a need to bring goodness’ in superheroes. Their characters are bulkier and broader, they are more appealing. But they almost always lose in the end. Just because of requirements of the genre.
When it comes to games that you can play online for free – you stumble upon several different characters, amongst which Superman is one of most popular. Anyway, pick a hero at your taste and discretion – and run to save lives of ordinary people living in the cities full of antiheroes.
Features of online Superhero games
- flat development of the story, it is almost always linear or can be built as a sequence of simple quests, still not adding bulkiness to the plotline
- meeting level bosses is not a necessary thing
- various heroes to choose from, selecting your favorite one
- there are many online free games about the same hero, so you can investigate him from different angles.