Point and click games: description of online free options
You know, any online free game is about pointing and clicking. However, there are ones that distinguish selves from the mass with a need to make it specifically precise. This is often the case with:
- dressing/undressing games
- ones where the faster and with more frequency you use your mouse pointer the better is the probability that something will happen (for instance, every click heats up the tomato at 1° and 100 of them mean it’ll boil and blow up, splashing its red body all over the place making you sadistically amused)
- pointing some object to run through the level – here, a number of mouse actions, their precision, and longevity will have the decisive influence on winning/losing – like pointing a hit plane in the air avoiding it being hit and crashed
- clicking in the right sequence can mean the correct making of something – like food preparation, maze running…
- sports game also require the right clicking when needed – for instance, to shoot the ball right.
Point and click: what are their traits?
In those online free games that require from you an eye precision, you will get through the levels if you click right. In other ones, you may need to click without any precision – and they may either tell or not tell you when and where to click.
Online point and click games that we offer – a brief overview
Talking Angela (the female friend of Talking Tom), My Little Pony, and Pokemons are amongst the well-known characters in those games we have. The additional ones are escapers (‘Escape the Office 2015’ and ‘Escape the car’), gold rush thing and others. Have fun!