Monster trucks are large vehicles designed with huge wheels & additional accessories (like long protruding steel pipes for exhaust gasses or grills made of steel to be put on the sides and roof), which are able to jump over seriously high obstacles on their way. For super large size, they were called Monster trucks. The shows with these cars are insanely popular in the US but the fashion for these cars has somewhat spread across the ocean (although, they did not become anywhere as closely popular as in the US in other countries).
The monstertruck online games are also liked by our audiences (there exist also offline versions of them, including ones downloadable for mobile phones and tablets). In these, a player can select a car by size, color, general outward appearance, and the tasks it will be doing during the gaming process. Basically, they are designed for stunts and effective riding, which can be pompously accompanied by a roaring sound of the motor, heavy smoke coming from their exhaust pipes, and stuff like that. So no wonder that approximately 80% of all freely playable monstertruck games incorporate those named. The others are about their battles (with partial or full demolition of losers), driving for speed, buggy race (which is not the same as monster trucks but can do pretty much similar stunts), racing on a slippery track, and finding differences in the pictures of these cars. There is an online monstertruck game to play called ‘City Garbage Truck’, which is not a monster one but also very big. And a game ‘Indian Cargo Truck Transporter’, which is definitely not a monster but also of a large size and decorated in the Indian manner. And if you want to experience driving something really big, try playing the ‘Oil Tanker Transport Driving Simulation Game’.