{ "name": "Play Ben 10 Run Online", "short_name": "Ben 10 Run", "description": "This is one of the fastest endless runners we have ever seen and played! Ben 10 is a boy hero, who can become one of ten alien creatures, each with their own set of character quirks and powers, with which he can overwhelm various criminals and other bad guys on his planet. In this free online game, you will explore the world of endless races very quickly, where a fraction of a second can define if you are progressing further or if you stop now. As in other games of this type, you collect the gold coins, but the game offers you nothing else: there are no general measures of distance, no gold bars and no obvious boosters to alter your career. But before each round starts, you can choose the appearance of your Ben 10, which is great.", "icons": [ { "src": "/files/pictures/ben_10_run.webp", "type": "image/webp", "sizes": "200x200" }, { "src": "/files/512x512/ben_10_run.png", "type": "image/png", "sizes": "512x512" } ], "start_url": "https://ios.najox.com/game/ben_10_run", "id": "https://ios.najox.com/game/ben_10_run", "scope": "https://ios.najox.com/game/ben_10_run", "background_color": "#46bef9", "display": "fullscreen", "orientation": "any", "theme_color": "#0092d9", "dir": "auto", "display_override": [ "fullscreen", "standalone" ], "categories": [ "games" ], "screenshots": [ { "src": "/files/pictures/.webp", "type": "image/webp", "sizes": "350x250" } ] }