{ "name": "Play The Hard Way To Get Fruit Online", "short_name": "The Hard Way To Get Fruit", "description": "Embark on an exhilarating journey with NAJOX to collect an abundant array of fruits scattered throughout various locations. As you navigate through each level, be wary of treacherous traps that could lead to your demise. Quick reflexes and strategic thinking are key to success in this thrilling adventure.

At first, it may have been effortless to pluck ripe fruits from the safety of trees. However, the monotony soon became mundane and unfulfilling. That%27s when you decided to take on the challenge of obtaining fruits through the more difficult and perilous route.

With NAJOX by your side, you fearlessly venture into unknown territories, braving the dangers that lie ahead. Each level presents a new set of obstacles, testing your agility and cunning. But with determination and skill, you are determined to emerge victorious and claim the ultimate prize - a bountiful harvest of fruits.

As you progress through the game, you will encounter a variety of environments, from lush forests to scorching deserts. Each location offers its own set of challenges, making every level a unique and exciting experience.

But beware, for the traps lurking in the shadows are not your only adversaries. Other players are also vying for the same fruits, adding an element of competition to the game. Will you be able to outsmart and outmaneuver your opponents to become the ultimate fruit collector?

With stunning graphics and immersive gameplay, NAJOX%27s fruit-collecting adventure will keep you on the edge of your seat. So what are you waiting for? Put your skills to the test and join NAJOX on this thrilling quest to gather the most fruits and emerge as the champion! Move with arrows (for PC) or swipe (for Touchpads)", "icons": [ { "src": "/files/pictures/the_hard_way_to_get_fruit.webp", "type": "image/webp", "sizes": "200x200" }, { "src": "/files/512x512/the_hard_way_to_get_fruit.png", "type": "image/png", "sizes": "512x512" } ], "start_url": "https://ios.najox.com/game/the_hard_way_to_get_fruit", "id": "https://ios.najox.com/game/the_hard_way_to_get_fruit", "scope": "https://ios.najox.com/game/the_hard_way_to_get_fruit", "background_color": "#46bef9", "display": "fullscreen", "orientation": "any", "theme_color": "#0092d9", "dir": "auto", "display_override": [ "fullscreen", "standalone" ], "categories": [ "games" ], "screenshots": [ { "src": "/files/pictures/.webp", "type": "image/webp", "sizes": "350x250" } ] }