{ "name": "Play Minecraft World Adventure Online", "short_name": "Minecraft World Adventure", "description": "Minecraft World Adventure is basically a connection of two types of games: bridge between objects and Minecraft. The theme of this free online game is Minecraft - everything is stylized: the environment, the main hero and the background. The jumper part comes when the main hero has to do things to pass the level: he jumps between objects from start to finish. The objects are spinning all the time, faster or slower, so you have to navigate between each object not to fly off the edges of the screen (to avoid glitches) but to try to stick to another spinning object. It will be perfect if the hero can collect coins during the task and avoid various obstacles. It may sound easy but it is not.", "icons": [ { "src": "/files/pictures/minecraft_world_adventure.webp", "type": "image/webp", "sizes": "200x200" }, { "src": "/files/512x512/minecraft_world_adventure.png", "type": "image/png", "sizes": "512x512" } ], "start_url": "https://ios.najox.com/game/minecraft_world_adventure", "id": "https://ios.najox.com/game/minecraft_world_adventure", "scope": "https://ios.najox.com/game/minecraft_world_adventure", "background_color": "#46bef9", "display": "fullscreen", "orientation": "any", "theme_color": "#0092d9", "dir": "auto", "display_override": [ "fullscreen", "standalone" ], "categories": [ "games" ], "screenshots": [ { "src": "/files/pictures/.webp", "type": "image/webp", "sizes": "350x250" } ] }